06 January 2009

rain day

Nothing too long today, except to share my thoughts on this Rain Day that the superintendent (supernintendo?) of WCPS has blessed upon me:

- Rain Day? Really? Although I can't complain with the lack of school today, I must say that I am disappointed in what mother nature has attempted to throw in our direction. There were calls for significant weather maladies and as of yet, all I can tell is that there was a sight glazing of ice on the trees early this morning. Maybe next time it will be a real snow day.

- Watching the Congressional Inauguration was a blast. CSPAN is a truly underrated channel. While the other news networks had the usual talking heads blabbering over a live feed from the House and Senate chambers, the CSPANs had unadulterated broadcasts from the chambers, which I appreciated immensely. It was especially fun watching the Senate proceedings, where the newly sworn-in senators had to sign the Oath Book. Now that might not sound funny prima facie, but it actually was entertaining becasue you could easily route out the veterans from the n00bs. The vets knew that the clerk who was helping them sign the book was offering them their own sentate pen to keep as a memento, but the rofln00bz0rs kept trying to give the pen back, as if they hadn't been observing everyone else keeping the pen! Our nation's finest leaders!

- Washing comforters is a pain in the ass and wasteful of my valuable quarters.

- Being sick, also not so good.

- I could go for another one of these inclement weather days tomorrow.

1 comment:

catherine said...

My day was also rainy except no chance of snow tomorrow and the kids still had to go to school. I know this because I live a block away from three schools and three sets of bells. Did I ever tell you about the day I had to swim to my car in high school? I also watched a bit of CSPAN. We're like the same person!